
The A la Mama-Poppins Interviews // POST 2 ♥

A little about you and yours:
I'm Julia and new to blogging having decided I was in desperate need of a hobby! I'm a mother of one, wife, lover of tea, cake (chocolate in particular), photography, charity shops and all things pretty...but most of all my boy.

A few of your favorite things about being a mother:
Motherhood has taught me all about life, that's for sure. Seeing the pleasure my boy gets from doing the simplest of things that we often take for granted - it makes you stop and think. Nothing could have prepared me for the love I feel for him, it's all consuming and when he says those three words to me "mummy I love you", my heart explodes. I'm loving each stage and think it just gets better and better. He's great company!
And a couple of the hardest things: Aside from our teething hell which has thankfully passed it would have to be the lack of sleep. I'm a person who 'needs' eight hours, I really do! Also one of the hardest things for me would have to be when you are ill, gone are the days of lounging on the sofa - I have my boy to care for. That's really hard!
A ‘my kid did this funny thing’ anecdote:
My boy announcing to the whole of a busy public toilet whilst doing a 'poop': "mummy my bumble feels better - it's not blocked anymore!" An old lady proceeded to ask (I think she was a little deaf) "What was that, dear?"  My boy repeated the same thing and I'm not joking - he was a little more loud the second time. It was so funny.
A few parenting resources you like: 
The Sleepytot bunny and a handful of small toys to take out. They can be a life saver.

One or two personal family traditions:
We just started buying a real Christmas tree last Christmas and this will be something we continue but my boy will choose it! It was such a special tree.
Daily things you and the kiddo like to do most
I am always out and about with my boy. I am lucky I only work a few hours a week and the rest of the time I spend out on educational adventures with my little man - literally every day we are doing something outdoors. Every morning he wakes up after a huge morning cuddle (he's a hugger that's for sure) and asks "mummy, where are we going today then?!". No wonder he isn't a fan of school!
Something you like to do by yourself, when taking a break from mommy-duties:  Paint my nails and wash my hair properly. Not the usual five second wash I'm normally allowed.

Advice you’d give a mother-to-be, or something you’ve learned as a mama
Don't compare and don't compete - I can't stand 'those' women that compete. Children are all different and they get there eventually. Trust those instincts too, you know what's best for your child and you know them better than anyone.

New year resolutions for your family: 
This year I am only buying things we 'really' need. I'm getting the finances in order!

Last but not least, a quote about motherhood that you love:

When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.  - Lennon

T H A N K    Y O U    F O R   S H A R I N G,   J U L I A !

The  A La Mama-Poppins Interviews is a relatively new series all about mama-bloggers.
If you would like to participate, please send me an email at ladaisiblog@hotmail.com!


  1. Thank you so much for having me on your blog. Great series xx

  2. Thank YOU, Julia! I loved this post. I especially love the 'daily things you like to do together' answer; made me happy.

  3. Great little interview. Love these mommies!


( hippies always welcome )