... An elderly parishioner has stunned Spanish cultural officials with an alarming and unauthorised attempt to restore a prized Jesus Christ fresco. ... The once-dignified portrait now resembles a crayon sketch of a very hairy monkey in an ill-fitting tunic, he says. ... Art historians are expected to meet at the church soon to discuss how to proceed. Mr Ojeda said: "I think she had good intentions. Next week she will meet with a repairer and explain what kind of materials she used. "If we can't fix it, we will probably cover the wall with a photo of the painting."
It made me think of all those Sister Wendy documentaries I watched in high school for art appreciation. If you're unfamiliar with Sister Wendy, she is described on Wiki as "a South African-born British nun, art expert, consecrated virgin and contemplative hermit," who, in my personal opinion, is guilty of over-interpretation. You know, of the 'what the artist really meant to imply' variety. Here we have his fifth self-portrait. Or possibly a bowl of fruit.
In fact, my friend Sarah tweak-quoted her from an early video (and I'm still laughing about that, too):
"You see she's done something very daring here -- she's made this Jesus UGLY!"
... Which is all the funnier if you can hear it in a Sister Wendy voice, so watch this one : Thomas Gainsborough. It's my favorite. It's the one wherein Sister Wendy implies that Gainsborough has done something naughty with Mr. and Mrs. Andrews wedding portrait by capturing - unobtrusively in the far left-hand corner - how Mr. Andrews "looks totally uninteresting as a person, his clothes don't cohere, he's a yabo." What's more: "I'm so glad that Gainsborough painted the dog, who clearly loves [Mr. Andrews], because one does think he's not going to get a lot of love from Francis Mary." And then the kicker: How naughty of Gainsborough to paint, right here in the front (of his landscape piece, that featured the landscape) the corn-sheaves of fertility. "Because," as Sister Wendy goes on to explain, "can you imagine these two talking to one another, let alone going further?"
Heaven forbid I ever paint anything that implies so much.
Sister Wendy might critique it.
Oh god, this made me cringe SO MUCH but also laugh hysterically. Can you believe that she started doing this and actually KEPT GOING?!