
A Happy Happy Birthday

Today is my brother Noah's birthday.

This year, my siblings are all odd numbers in age.
In case you haven't heard, I have a lot of siblings.

It goes like this:  
Noah is 27, I am 25, Steph is 23, Matt is 21, Sarah is 19, Peter is 17, Luke is 13, and Lydia is 11.

Thought I'd put up some old photographs to celebrate 
(please pardon their ancient-grainy-oddly-shaped quality).

Here goes:

My parents met and married in Florida.  Where it was warm.

Four years later, they had little Waldo.  I mean, Noah.  
Happy Birthday, Noah!

And then I happened.

This is me sniffing my little friend Jon.

Then Stepho was born in Oregon.

And dad turned into a pirate.

And along came Matt.  And also a yellow school bus.

Aren't we cute?

Then Sarah was born.  And we became the five little peppers.  Briefly.

Then the school bus took us to Georgia,
and my parents were cold.

And Peter was born.  And then Luke.

And last but not least, Lydi.

. . . I'll post a more recent photo soon, 
so you can see how pretty we've gotten.


  1. too cute love the pics Happy Bday to your Brother.

  2. hahaha, "so you can see how pretty we've gotten". noice!
    hey, my youngest sister is named "lyddie". not too far off center there. :)

    i remember when we were 5 little peppers. my mom would joke about us being that.
    then i got another little sister.

    shoot, we never had a bus, but we had a free willy --our large black gm van that seats 9.
    i like this post:)

  3. Awww! What a big, lovely family. Love these pictures, and happy birthday to your brother!

  4. That is pretty cute!

    You lived in Oregon huh? Awesome.

  5. aww, what sweet, sweet pictures. <3 i love how big your family is!

    this post was darling.


( hippies always welcome )