
{ Paris: Post 1 }

Otherwise Titled: Day Four; Killing Me Softly Slowly
{ with tiny violins, etc. }

I did not take photographs on Day Four.  Here’s why:

8:30 AM (approx. 3 AM my time, USA)  –  Left the Hougue du Pommier.

10:25 – Left Guernsey Airport.

11:30 – Arrived at Gatwick Airport in South London.

12:01 – Took a train to London Bridge, then the metro to St. Pancres, then a combination of train/bus to the Luton Airport.

4:00 – Took an Easy Jet to Charles Dugall Airport in France, outside Paris.  

6:00 – Took metro to Paris.  And then got lost until . . . 

9:00 - Checked into the Hotel Bercy Rive Gauche (Best Western).

10:00 – Dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant in the Latin Quarter.  

11:15  - Our late night walk was interrupted by several hundred people roller-blading through the streets.  When asked why, we were told that it was just for fun.  Wish I had brought my camera.

Midnight – Fell into an exhausted stupor.

(Why the crazy itinerary?  It is a bit absurd, considering Guernsey is already halfway to Paris.  Answer: MONEY.  This was the cheapest option, albeit the most painful.)

To be continued . . .


  1. Goodness, sounds insane! Glad you guys are having a lot of exhausting fun :)

  2. If you are exhausted while on vacation, you are doing something wrong. Glad you are having a lovely time.


  3. i often regret the cheapest route. i tend to pick it because i tell myself that a red-eye flight with a five hour layover is SO worth saving $150. but then when it's happening, i'm just begging the universe to take my money, all my money, and get me on the first goddamn jet out of wherever i am, usually in an airport with screaming children and fluorescent lights and nothing to eat except processed meat and gluten.

    bummer about not having a camera!

  4. Yes it was in my luggage the whole time. Easy jet, being so easy and all, has these wonderful stipulations regarding only one bag per person (INCLUDING purse) . . . plus if you have a coat you must be wearing it, or put it in your ONE bag. So that was a problem.

    The one thing I did want to take a picture of was the woman at the second London airport. She made me livid and what's better payback than a nice blog post dedicated to Person Horrible?


( hippies always welcome )