
Some Leftover Summer

 Last Sunday's weather was apparently a record high for Denmark.
We went to the fjord for several hours and soaked it in.

 There is a small stretch of sand beside the water, 
which is immediately closed-in by the greenest field.  
During the summer, this field serves as a multicultural campground.
There are people from all over the world living in tents near the inlet.

 Isaac kept scooting down the dune, like this.
I hope he didn't bother the naked sunbather.
She didn't seem to mind.
Despite his questions...
"What'cha doin?"

I don't know who these people are, 
but they were kind enough to pose for me.

... And then we walked home.
And they did too ...
I imagine.


  1. i see isaac is still not potty trained... lol... i wish i could pick him up and kiss him

  2. He is potty trained ... but I didn't take his swimsuit.

  3. Someday, when you die... this blog should be published into a book... we will call it Lauren is frank. Hahaha... and it will be loved by all.

  4. Oh, I love the photos in this post. Very creative. :]

    I have to say I'm a get a little smug satisfaction that now someone else- besides everyone living in the Pacific Northwest- has to endure shitty rainy and cold weather. I SO miss Georgia weather, and it kills me to read status updates about weather.

    Summer was torture-- it was cold and lame the whole season-- and seeing people's status updates ("It's 100 degrees today! Heading for the pool / beach / park!") just drove me bonkers. Fall is a similar torture-- people posting about fall ("I'm so glad it's finally cooling off! Loving this weather!") makes me want to pull my hair out.

    So, anyway.

    I'm totally selfish but I enjoy that your weather is like my weather.


  5. Well we can be miserable together. :)


( hippies always welcome )