
Turning Not Thirty

Today is Tim’s birthday.

(Happy Birthday hon!)

He is not thirty.  He is twenty-nine.  (I keep forgetting).  We are going to celebrate with dinner out, a bottle of Johnny Walker Black, and a mock- umentory.  Because what else are you going to do when you turn not-thirty.

<-- This is Tim when he was a kid.

... And this is Tim when he looked like a long-haired hobo.
 (What are birthdays for if not sharing old photos?)


  1. He looks JUST like Corbin Allred in that second picture! http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0021607/

    Happy Birthday to him! :)

  2. Ha ha! I like how you are having a full bottle! That will be a fun night! (sorry for a long time with no hello).

    Happy Birthday Mr. Ladaisi!

  3. Caitlin: Haha, thanks?
    Nicole: Yes we will certainly try.


( hippies always welcome )