
The Ladaisi Brief

Tim is home from Canada! Picked him up from the Charlotte airport last Thursday, after which we met the Engels and some of my siblings in Asheville for ContraDancing. This weekly event attracts some of the most creative, artistic people I have ever seen. They dance for hours to the music of a live band, or sit on the grassy hillside and watch. About midway through, the campus goes dark except for the pavillion, which is lit by strings of white Christmas lights above stomping, twirling, and spinning feet.

We spent Friday and Saturday and half of Sunday in Engeland, as is now our yearly tradition during the fourth of July. The Bryson fireworks have far better funding than Blairsville, and are also less dramatic as no fields are lit on fire during the course of the evening (a Union County tradition). In keeping with other traditions, however, we congregated on the bridge once again, where it is just as thrilling to watch the fireworks in the sky as it is their reflection in the river below.

Skipping ahead: On Thursday Ames and I are heading out on our road-trip to Fort Lauderdale!

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